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In compliance with the provisions of article 17, section II of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, we inform our visitors that ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP, S.A. DE C.V will always treat the personal data that it collects from you in accordance to the terms of this Privacy Notice.

This statement describes the personal data that we collect or process (which may include collection, organization, structuring, storage, use or disclosure) to provide products and services directly from TEAMENT, including TEAMENT websites and its meetings, webinars and platform. (“TEAMENT Products” or “Products”).

The information that TEAMENT receives are the following:

Personal data are any information from or about an identified or identifiable person, including information that TEAMENT can associate with the person in question. We may collect, or process on behalf of our customers, the following categories of personal data when you use or interact with TEAMENT Products.

Account Information: Information associated with a TEAMENT Products license account, which may include the name of the administrator, contact information, account ID, billing information, and account plan information.

Participant and Profile Information: Information associated with the TEAMENT profile of a user using TEAMENT Products with a licensed account or information provided by an unlicensed participant joining a meeting, which may include name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job title information, locale, user ID, or other information provided by the user or their account owner.

Contact and Calendar Integrations: Contact information added by accounts or their users to create contact lists in TEAMENT, which may include contact information that a user integrates from a third-party application. Users can also integrate their calendars from other services with their TEAMENT profile or account.

Settings: Information associated with user profile or account settings and preferences, which may include audio and video settings, location of recording files, screen sharing settings, and other information about settings.

Registration Information: Information individuals provide when registering for a TEAMENT meeting, webinar, or recording, which may include the name and contact information, answers to registration questions, and other registration information requested by the host.

Device Information: Information about computers, phones, and other devices used to interact with TEAMENT Products, which may include information about speakers, microphone, camera, OS version, hard drive ID, PC name, MAC address, IP address (which can be used to infer general location at the city or country level), device attributes (such as OS version and battery level), Wi-Fi information Fi and other device information (such as Bluetooth signals).

Content and Context of Meetings, Webinars, and Messages: Content generated from meetings, webinars, or messages hosted on TEAMENT Products, which may include audio, video, meeting messages, chat message content, transcripts, written comments, responses to surveys and questions and answers and files, as well as related context, such as invitation details, meeting or chat name, or meeting agenda. Content may include your voice and image, depending on the account owner's settings, what you choose to share, your settings, and your activity on the TEAMENT Products.

Use of products and websites: information about how people and their devices interact with the TEAMENT Products, such as when participants join and leave a meeting; if the participants sent messages and to whom; performance data; mouse movements, clicks, keystrokes, or actions (such as audio mute/unmute or video on/off) and other user interactions that help TEAMENT understand feature usage, improve product design, and suggest features ; which third-party applications bring users into a meeting or other Product, what information the application can access, and what actions it can take; features used (such as screen sharing, emojis or filters); and other metrics and usage information. This also includes information about when and how individuals visit and interact with TEAMENT websites, including the pages they access, their interaction with website features, and whether or not they have registered for a TEAMENT Product.

Communications with TEAMENT: Information about your communications with TEAMENT, including regarding support questions, your account and other inquiries.

Partner Information: TEAMENT obtains information about account owners and their users from third-party companies, such as market data enrichment services, including information about the size or industry of the partner company. an account owner, contact information, or activity from certain business domains.

TEAMENT will use the information provided in the following ways:

TEAMENT employees do not access meeting, webinar, or message content (specifically, audio, video, files, and messages) unless directed by an account owner or required for legal, security, or protection, as explained below. TEAMENT uses personal data to carry out the following activities:

Offer TEAMENT Products and Services: To offer Products, features and services to account owners, their users and those who are invited by them to join meetings and webinars organized in their accounts, including the customization of the features of the Products and recommendations about accounts or their users. TEAMENT also uses personal data, including contact information, to direct invitations and messages to its recipients when individuals send invitations and messages using TEAMENT Products. This may also include the use of personal data for customer support, which may include access to audio, video, files and messages, at the direction of the account owner or its users. We also use personal data to manage our relationship and contracts with account owners, including billing, compliance with contractual obligations, and related administration.

Product Research and Development: to develop, test, and improve the TEAMENT Products, including, for example, content-related features (such as background filters) and product and feature troubleshooting.

Marketing and Promotions: To market, advertise and promote TEAMENT Products, features and services, including marketing products or features based on your use of the product or information we receive from third party partners. If you visit our websites, we may record information about how and when you visit and your interactions with them and use this information to serve you advertisements related to TEAMENT Products, features and services or to partner with independent marketing companies to record your interactions on our website or offer you advertising.

Authentication, integrity, security and protection: to authenticate accounts and activity; detect, investigate, and prevent malicious conduct or unsafe experiences; address security threats; protect public safety; and give protection to TEAMENT Products.

Communicate with you: We use personal data (including contact information) to communicate with you about our Products, features, and services, including product updates, your account, and changes to our policies and terms. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.

Legal Reasons: To comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including law enforcement or government agencies; to investigate or participate in evidence, litigation, or other adversarial legal proceedings under civil law; and to enforce or investigate possible violations of our Terms of Service or policies.

TEAMENT uses advanced tools to automatically track content such as virtual backgrounds, profile pictures, and files uploaded or exchanged through chat, in order to detect and prevent violations of our terms or policies and illegal or harmful activities; likewise, its employees can investigate such content when necessary for legal, security or protection reasons.


Our services are only available to those who have the legal capacity to contract. Therefore, those who do not comply with this condition must refrain from providing personal information to be included in our databases. However, they can do so through parents, guardians or conservators.

Exercise of ARCO Rights

The person in charge has appointed a person in charge of personal data, (the "Privacy Officer"), therefore. Therefore, you may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by communicating to the Privacy Officer at the following email:

Similarly, as of January 6, 2012, you have the right to: (i) access your personal data in our possession and know the details of their treatment, (ii) rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete, (iii) cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or (iv) oppose the treatment of the data. same for specific purposes, as provided by law, (jointly, the "ARCO Rights").

The ARCO Rights will be exercised by submitting the respective request, (the "ARCO Request") which must be sent to the Privacy Officer of the Responsible Party, to the Contact Address, accompanied by the following information and documentation:

Your name, address and email to be able to communicate the response to the ARCO Request;

The documents that prove your identity (copy of IFE, passport or any other official identification) or, where appropriate, the documents that prove your legal representation;

A clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights;

Any document or information that facilitates the location of your personal data;

In case of requesting a rectification of data, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports your request;

The indication of the place where we can review the originals of the accompanying documentation.

Your ARCO Request will be answered by email by the Privacy Officer within a maximum period of 20 business days from the day your ARCO Request was received. In the event that the ARCO Request is answered affirmatively or appropriately, such changes will be made within a maximum period of 15 business days. The terms referred to in this paragraph may be extended once for an equal period, if necessary. It is important to inform you that the Controller may deny access (the "Refusal") for you to exercise your ARCO Rights in the following cases:

When you are not the owner of the personal data, or your legal representative is not duly accredited to exercise your ARCO Rights through him;

When your personal data is not found in our database;

When the rights of a third party are injured;

When there is a legal impediment or the resolution of a competent authority, which restricts your ARCO Rights; and

When the Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition has been previously made.

In relation to the foregoing, the Refusal may be partial, in which case the Responsible will make the access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in the appropriate part.

The person in charge will always inform you of the reason for its decision and will communicate it to you or, where appropriate, to your legal representative, within the previously established deadlines, by email, accompanying, where appropriate, the relevant evidence.

The exercise of the ARCO Rights will be free, after proof of your identity before the Responsible Party, but if you reiterate your request in a period of less than twelve months, the costs will be three days of General Minimum Wage in Force in the Federal District, plus I.V.A. , unless there are substantial modifications to the Privacy Notice that motivate new consultations. In all cases, the delivery of personal data will be free, with the exception that you must cover the justified shipping costs or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats.

We inform you that your personal data may be sent inside and outside the country, to those in charge in a manner consistent with the purpose of the treatment and the legal nature of the relationship between you and the person in charge.


The undersigned states that he gives his consent to this Privacy Notice, since he has read it and knows the specifications for the processing of his personal data, so he agrees with the transfers that ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP, S.A. DE C.V., freely carry out the processing of your data in the terms described in this instrument.

Privacy notice notifications or updates

The Responsible Party reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, with the understanding that any modification to it will be made known to you by means of the publication of a notice on our website, by so we recommend checking it frequently.

As long as you do not oppose this Privacy Notice, it will be understood that you grant your tacit consent to the processing of your data.

Mexico City, January 2022

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