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Terms and Conditions

The person (hereinafter the User) who accesses the internet portal and/or the platform called “TEAMENT” (hereinafter “TEAMENT”), exclusive property of ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP, S.A. DE C.V., (HEREINAFTER ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP), making use of the services offered, expressly accepts the terms and conditions contained herein, for which it is aware of the legal scope, from the moment the user accesses “TEAMENT”.

ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP, will allow the user access to a series of resources, services and content online through the system or the global information network known as the World Wide Web or www which, by way of example but not limitation, will consist of tools that will make it easier for you to manage the times and tasks of your work team, manage projects, increase work productivity, assign tasks, maintain communication forums, communicate with the chat toolbar, create, save and share files securely . Due to the foregoing, ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP will have the power to modify or restrict without prior notice, the form and content of "TEAMENT", as well as the terms and conditions for its use or access.

The User agrees that the tasks or activities carried out through "TEAMENT" is at his own risk, for which he disclaims ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP from any responsibility, in the same way, the User will be in charge of verifying that he has with a device that allows you to establish the connection and access to the Internet through any computer device, Smartphone or other similar device, being responsible for the costs that are generated.

For the access and use of "TEAMENT", the User agrees that he must register previously, for which he will be asked to indicate a username and a password, information that he must refrain from providing to third parties, since he is the responsible for said information.

The User agrees that in order to have access to the use of the platform, he must pay a certain and determined amount, with the understanding that the omission of one or more payments will result in the suspension of the services offered by "TEAMENT", as well as how to restrict access to the platform.

"TEAMENT" acts in accordance with the provisions of article 32 of the Federal Law on Consumer Protection, so that the information and advertising that it disseminates regarding goods, products or services, are true and verifiable, so that in no way way they induce the error or confusion of the Users.

By virtue of the fact that "TEAMENT" is intended to allow and facilitate the administration of the times and tasks of the User's work team, manage projects, increase work productivity, assign tasks, communicate with the chat toolbar, create , save and share files safely, it is reported that it is not responsible for the use, exploitation or disclosure of information and expressions issued by third parties, for which it disclaims any legal action.

The use of "TEAMENT" must be carried out under the guidelines established in the laws of the matter and must not be contrary to morality and good customs, otherwise the User must be responsible for the improper use, without prejudice to ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP will have the power to deny access to "TEAMENT" granting the User a term of 10 calendar days in order to express what is convenient for them, regardless of the decision issued by ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP.

The content that is not limited to, consists of the design of the platform, programming, software and technological tools, information, images, brands, logos, is the exclusive property of ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP, for which the user accepts that he has It is forbidden to copy, reproduce and/or commercialize it partially or completely, otherwise it is obliged to indemnify the owner of the information, for the damages caused, without prejudice to civil and/or criminal actions to which it could become a creditor.

Likewise, the User when entering "TEAMENT", is aware that the main business of ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP, is the design and implementation service for Broadband and Networking applications, as well as the integration of networks, for which, the product and service offered is exclusively a tool that allows and facilitates the User in managing the times and tasks of his work team, managing projects, increasing work productivity, assigning tasks, communicating with the chat toolbar, creating, save and share files safely, in this sense, the User declares under protest to tell the truth that their identification data are real, which are not intended to cause any error, confusion or misunderstanding, and must refrain from making use of personal data of third parties to have access to "TEAMENT" since otherwise it will be responsible for the sanctions caused by its malicious act.

ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP will not be responsible for the material that the User generates, saves and shares with the people who belong to his work team and that is downloaded from "TEAMENT" by the User, since it will be at his own discretion and risk of the latter, for which the User will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer equipment or telephone device, as well as the loss or damage to the files contained in said equipment.

ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP may at any time and according to its interests, partially or totally assign the rights and obligations inherent in this instrument, without the need to notify the User. Likewise, the User agrees that even in the event of cancellation of their registration, these terms and conditions will remain in force in accordance with the applicable legislation.

The User expresses his consent and agrees that ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP has the discretionary power to provisionally or indefinitely suspend his access or subscription to "TEAMENT", he may also cancel his registration as a member of "TEAMENT" when he considers that he has engaged in aggressive behavior or contrary to law and good customs, both with other users and with the platform.

The User accepts and agrees that the confidential information provided for the use of "TEAMENT" will be used by ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP for the creation and updating of a database that will be its property, for which the User issues its consent for ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP to share your confidential information with natural and/or legal persons with whom it maintains a commercial relationship for the operation and application of "TEAMENT" or with the Competent Authority that requires it through a duly founded and motivated official letter .

If the User has any claim and/or complaint against "TEAMENT", he must notify it within 10 business days after the act of non-conformity, since otherwise the act will be considered accepted and consented.

ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP provides its services to people of legal age, so its products can only be purchased by minors who have the supervision and authorization of their parents or legal guardians.

For purposes of interpretation and compliance with these terms and conditions, the User and ARES INTELLIGENCE GROUP expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Mexico City, renouncing any jurisdiction that may correspond to them due to their present or future address.

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